Best 8 Skincare Templates for Notion to Elevate your Skin Routine

Discover the top 5 Notion skincare templates to revolutionize your beauty routine. From tracking products to scheduling appointments, these templates have you covered. Achieve healthy, glowing skin with Notion's versatile productivity tool.
Minimalist Avatar of Blog Author Giorgia Dalla Valle
Giorgia Dalla Valle
July 15, 2024

Let’s explore the best skincare and skincare routine template for Notion

Skincare is more than just applying products to your face; it's a daily ritual that requires organization and consistency. That's where Notion, a versatile productivity and organization tool, comes into play. Notion isn't just for managing tasks and projects; it can also revolutionize the way you manage your skincare routine.

In this blog post, we'll delve into the world of skincare and introduce you to the best Notion skincare template available. With the right template, you can streamline your skincare regimen, track your progress, and achieve that radiant complexion you've always wanted,

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Best Skincare Template for Notion

Notion Skincare Tracker

Skincare Tracker is a comprehensive Notion TEmplate that helps you keep track of your beauty products and improve your skin health. Here's what it offers:

What's Included:

  • Skin Profile: Start your skincare journey by defining your skin type, concerns, conditions, goals, and ingredients to avoid.
  • Skincare Products: Organize all your skincare products in a gallery, table, or list view. Easily categorize them and receive alerts for products about to expire.
  • Skin Diary: Monitor your skincare progress with photos, track your AM and PM routines, note your skin condition, medications, supplements, and sleep hours.
  • Skincare Routine: Create and manage your morning and evening skincare routines, including the products you use.
  • Habit Tracker: Keep tabs on daily and weekly skincare habits to maintain consistency.
  • Doctor's Appointments: Maintain an appointment database and calendar for dermatologist visits, jot down questions, prescriptions, and advice.
  • Wishlist: Curate a list of desired skincare products, track purchases, and note which items are still on your wishlist.

Template Available Here

Pink Skincare Tracker

This cure pink skincare tracker include everything that you need to help you make your skin shine.

What's Included:

  • Skin profile page
  • Current used products, Weekly treatments.
  • A before/after tracker to help you visualize your progress
  • Tips for better skin, To-dos, Notes

Template Available Here

Vanity Dashboard for Notion

Vanity Dashboard is a comprehensive skincare and makeup tracking template in Notion, designed to help you organize and manage your beauty products effectively.

What’s Included

  • Skincare Library: A centralized place to log and track all your skincare products, whether you own them or they're on your wishlist. You can record details like type, brand name, purchase date, shelf life, purchase source, price, effectiveness, and add tags. Additionally, there's room to list active ingredients and other notes for each product.
  • Organized Views: The Skincare Library offers various views based on categories, such as Morning Routine, Night Routine, Favorites, and Wishlist, making it easy to sort and access your products based on your needs.
  • Makeup Collection: Similar to the Skincare Library, you can log and manage your makeup products with details like type, brand name, favorites, ratings, and tags. This section also includes views for Favorites and Wishlist.
  • Inspiration Page: A dedicated space to save and track makeup tutorials and beauty inspiration from YouTube and other sources.
  • Personal Profile: A section to record extra information about yourself, including your skin type and preferred skincare routines.
  • Gallery Journal: This versatile feature allows you to track the effects and results of new skincare products and log new makeup looks. It's available as separate gallery views for each purpose.
  • Weekly Routine Tracker: A handy tool with a premade template button to help you track your weekly skincare routines. You can either discard the table after each week or create your own toggle archive for historical data.
  • Quick Shopping Cart Sidebar: Easily add products you plan to purchase soon without having to enter all the details right away.

Template Available Here

Skincare Routine

This skincare Notion template is a good tool to organize your skincare products, design your daily skincare routines, and maintain a wishlist of products you'd like to try. It's all neatly managed in one place for easy access.

What's Included:

  • Virtual Skincare Shelf: A table that lists all your skincare products for quick reference.
  • Separated Views: Products are categorized based on tags, allowing you to distinguish between morning and evening products. This helps you create personalized AM and PM skincare routines.
  • Wishlist: A section where you can keep track of skincare products you plan to purchase and test in the future.

Template Available Here

Free Skincare Tracker Notion Template

"Glow" is a personalized skincare tracker designed for Notion.

What's Included

  • Customized Routine
  • Daily Tracking
  • Product Database

Template Available Here

Skincare Tracker

This skincare tracker Notion template is a practical tool for effortlessly managing your skincare routine. It helps you keep track of your skin's condition, treatments, self-care appointments, and achieving healthier skin. If you are looking to take better care of your skin, this template will do wonder for you.

What’s Included

  • Skincare Products Inventory: Avoid duplicate purchases by listing what skincare products you already own and what you need to buy.
  • Skincare Profile: Document your skin type and any changes it goes through during different seasons.
  • Skincare Goals Tracker: Set and work towards your skincare goals to maintain skin health.
  • Skincare Products Wishlist: Keep a list of skincare products you want to purchase, all in one place.
  • Skincare Routine: Utilize templates for morning and night skincare routines to optimize your skincare regimen.
  • Daily Skincare Log: Effortlessly upload images and organize skincare notes for daily use.
  • DIY Beauty Recipe Template: Store supplier contact information and vendor details conveniently.
  • Wellness Appointment Tracker: Plan and coordinate medical, wellness, and beauty appointments, including space for storing documents and test results.
  • Medicine/Supplement Tracker: Maintain an accurate and up-to-date inventory of your medicines and supplements.
  • Skincare Challenge Template: If you love skincare challenges, this template helps you stay organized from Day #1.

Key Features:

  1. Inventory Management: Keep track of your skincare products to avoid buying duplicates.
  2. Customization: Tailor your skincare routine, goals, and appointment tracking to your specific needs.
  3. Organization: Easily log daily skincare activities, appointments, and challenges, all in one place for efficient skincare management.

Template Available Here

Aesthetic Skincare Tracker

This digital Notion skincare tracker template offer a compact way to record and monitor your daily skincare regimen, ensuring you stay on top of your beauty goals.

What’s Included

  1. Skincare Routine Tracker: Easily record and monitor your daily skincare routine, making it simple to follow and stay consistent.
  2. Stylish Design: The template offers a modern and aesthetically pleasing design, making it visually appealing and enjoyable to use.
  3. Compact and User-Friendly: Its compact format and user-friendly interface make it a convenient tool for beauty enthusiasts to maintain their skincare routines.

Template Available Here

Skincare Inventory

Struggling to keep track of all your skincare product? We’ve got you covered. Skincare Inventory  serves as a virtual skincare shelf to help you efficiently manage your skincare products.

What’s Included

  1. Inventory Tracking: Easily keep track of your skincare products by categorizing them and noting which ones are opened and unopened. This helps you avoid buying too many products in the same category and encourages you to use what you have.
  2. Expiration and Period After Opening: The template monitors product expiry dates and the duration since opening. This helps you prioritize which products to use before they expire and reduces wastage.
  3. Rating and Remarks: You can rate and leave remarks about your skincare products, giving you an overview of your preferences. It also allows for more detailed notes on individual product pages.

Template Available Here

Wrapping Up

Wrapping up, I truly believe an healthy and radiant skin is a reflection of how well we care for ourselves. Whether you're a skincare enthusiast or just starting a simple routine, organizing your skincare is crucial.

With these Notion templates, you can streamline your skincare routines, ensure product effectiveness, and work towards that healthy, glowing complexion you've always wanted.

Explore these templates, find the one that suits your needs, and embark on a journey to healthier and more beautiful skin.

And if you're interested in more Notion templates and updates, be sure to check out our premium template.

Happy skincare tracking!

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