Don't let your ADHD hold you back. Unlock your full potential today
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Notion for ADHD

So you have ADHD and you’re trying to get your life together with Notion? You stumble upon the right part of the internet.

Your roadmap to Notion

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Step 1: Download Notion

Get started by downloading Notion. It's available for both desktop and mobile platforms.


Step 2: Grab ADHD Toolbox

Supercharge your productivity with our free ADHD Toolbox. It contain free templates, ai prompt, tool and resource tailored for ADHD brains.

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Hand Draw Illustration

Step 3: Watch Tutorial

Unlock the full potential of Notion with our beginners tutorial to get you started with Notion.


Step 4: Read our ADHD Guide

Gain valuable insights and strategies for managing ADHD effectively within Notion. Our guide covers tips for organizing tasks, staying focused, and leveraging Notion's features to support your unique needs

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Hand Draw Illustration

Step 5: Stay update

Join our community and stay updated on the latest tips, templates, and resources for maximizing your productivity with Notion.
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Notion X ADHD

Find quick answers to commonly asked questions.

Is Notion Good for ADHD?

Absolutely! Notion's customizable workspace and versatile features make it an excellent tool for managing ADHD. Its flexibility allows users to create personalized organizational systems tailored to their specific needs and preferences. We have a full breakdown of using Notion for ADHD with success stories here.

What are the Best Notion Templates for ADHD?

One highly recommended template for ADHD is the "ADHD Life Planner" by Notion Avenue. This template is specifically designed to help individuals with ADHD stay organized, manage tasks effectively, and maintain focus. You can also explore more templates here.

How Can I Use Notion for ADHD?

You can use Notion for ADHD in various ways, including creating task lists, setting reminders, organizing schedules, tracking habits, and managing projects, you can also use Notion to track thing like your mood, reading list, wishlist, and use workbook to manage stress and emotion. The limit is truly the sky! Be sure to read our guide on Notion for ADHD here.

Where I can find free templates for ADHD?

For free templates tailored to ADHD, we recommend downloading our "ADHD Free Toolbox" . This toolbox includes different free template for ADHD, you can also check out all Free Template we offer here, or explore even more template here.

Want to unlock a Calmer Mind Today?

Try our ultimate ADHD System for Notion.
Fix your focus, calm your mind
and unlock your best self.
Adhd Life Planner Dashboard
Backed by Psychology

Incorporate a Cognitive Behavioral Based system to assist you in managing stress, enhancing focus, and boosting self-esteem."

Designed for the ADHD Brain

This isn't your average planner; it's a thoughtfully designed system that implements frameworks for ADHD management, such as the Solve-it-Grid and the Hero's Journey for Goal Setting."

Easy and Intuitive to Use

The templates include both a comprehensive video tutorial and written guide, ensuring you can get started in minutes, not hours.


This was the best purchase I ever made! It has everything we need to organise our day, week and month! Everything is connected so it is really easy to use. It's amazing, I love it. I would and did recommend to my friends that use Notion.

Explore other Notion Use Case

New to Notion? Whatever your goal may be, we've got everything you need to kickstart your journey.

Elevate your Notion Experience

Elevate, extend and enhance Notion capabilities with curated tools.
Notion Widgets

Aesthetic widget to elevate your Notion experience.

Notion Tools

Curated tool and extension to power-up Notion

Notion Visuals

Curated icons, covers, aesthetic packs and more for your Notion pages.